Fake news has been around since the start of Journalism, but many people don’t know about the dangers there is behind fake news. 

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When it comes to fake news there are a few things to remember one of them being:

  1. Misinformation isn’t just about facts, it’s about stories
  2. When fake headlines are repeated, people believe them more 
  3. False rumors don’t just repeat themselves; they evolve and get stronger. 

According to the online  Poynter article  “, Why is fake news so prevalent? Researchers offer some answers”  article by Daniela Flamini states. 

“ Human beings are natural storytellers; judging from the dramatic scenes found in cave paintings in France that date 30,000 years back, it’s safe to assume that narratives have been an essential part of human life for thousands of years.” 

A perfect example of fake news would be the recent death of Kobe Bryant tragically passed away at 9:06 am PST on January 26th,2020. TMZ was the first to break the story of the tragic accident. 

The only information that they were able to give was that he had died via crash. News outlets than decided to keep updating the media with what was incorrect information.

The first official news that broke was that Bryant had passed away with his daughter but other sources were saying that he had died with all of his daughters.

Another statement that was let out was that five people died on the plane crash when it was really nine people. 

Either way, fake news made its way around the media but not only that the news broke way before Kobe’s wife and family were able to be informed by the police. An article by The Hill,” TMZ scolded by police for breaking news of Kobe Bryant’s death before the family could be notified” was released and stated.

“ Law enforcement officials in Los Angeles have criticized the celebrity news outlet TMZ for being the first to report of the helicopter crash that killed Kobe Bryant and his 13-year-old daughter on Sunday before police were able to notify his family of the tragedy.” 

Fake news is prevalent because it is legit gossip and it will spread like wildfire. 


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